2007年5月25日 星期五

Business Woman!!

Tell you a secret: one of the reasons why I decide to go abroad is because that I really want to change my personality.

In the perspective of most people, my personality is pretty good.
However, I am not so confidence in myself, so, I need to gain recognition from other people.
For me, the definition of business woman means that I have the ability to express my thought clearly, and believe what I can do assertively.
It's not a smooth road, but I have to step toward the direction.
Hoping in the coming future, I can become the person that I want.

ps. Thanks for the crazy guys from Zavio, their passion for the future let me find out the real spirit of Taiwanese.

3 則留言:

吳思故吳在 提到...


所以,"business woman"...你很有天份的


Jasmine 提到...


匿名 提到...

你好,我因為想報名ESC ROUEN-marketing課程改到你的文章,想必你已完成學業回國了,可否請教你當初申請是否需要GMAT,TOEIC呢? 標準大致在多少? 我有寫信問學校但都沒人回我.
我已從事業務工作5年,會想去法國念書是因為我男友, 我想有個文憑或許有機會在當地找工作,但其實我沒什麼動機念書,老了沒勁了, 對於學校要求的動機信真的不知如何下筆,可否冒昧請你提供你的版本供我參考呢? 謝謝你的分享. Chen (vansach@hotmail.com)